Qualifiers are notes attached to data that gives detailed information.  These notes are added at any time and include a wide range of information such as sub-contracts, estimations, word results, etc. Search or sort all of the active qualifiers using the table below. This information is compiled in real-time. If you see a qualifier in your report that is not listed here, please call us to get more information. Our contact information can be found at the Contacts Page.

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*The recommended holding time for this analysis is only 15 minutes. The sample was analyzed as soon as it was possible but it was received and analyzed past holding time.
**The recommended holding time for field filtering is only 15 minutes. The sample was filtered as soon as possible but it was filtered past holding time. However, the sample was analyzed within holding time.
_NONENo Qualifiers
_SeeAttSee Attachment
A-01[Custom Value]
AN-IPSample results for structural isomers may have contribution from their isomeric pair.
BBlank contamination. The analyte was found in the associated blank as well as in the sample.
B-01This analyte was found in the method blank, which was possibly contaminated in the lab during preparation. The reporting limit was raised due to the contamination.
B-02This analyte is detected in the method blank below the MRL, but above the method acceptance criteria.
B-03Dilution water blank exceeds 0.20mg/L.
B-04This analyte was found in the travel blank, which was possibly contaminated during transportation and/or preparation. The batch was accepted since this analyte was not detected for all the samples in the batch.
B-06This analyte was found in the method blank, which was possibly contaminated during sample preparation. The batch was accepted since this analyte was either not detected or more than 10 times of the blank value for all the samples in the batch.
B-08Analyte is found in the method blank, which was possibly contaminated during sample preparation.
B-fieldNo field blank was either received or specified in this batch. Therefore, samples were analyzed without field blank.
BOD-01The sample dilutions set-up for the BOD analysis did not meet the oxygen depletion criterion of at least 2 mg/l, therefore the reported result is an estimated value only.
BOD-02The sample dilutions set up for the BOD analysis did not meet the criterion of a residual dissolved oxygen of at least 1 mg/l, therefore the reported result is an estimated value only.
BOD-03The sample dilutions set-up for the BOD analysis did not meet the final DO reading with a value of equal or greater than 1 mg/l, therefore the reported result is an estimated value only.
BOD-04The sample dilutions set-up for the BOD analysis did not meet the final DO reading with a value of equal or greater than 1 mg/l, due to matrix interferences..
BRAnalyte was found in the method blank, which was possibly contaminated in the lab during preparation. The reporting limit was raised to account for the contamination.
BS-01The recovery of this analyte in the BS/LCS was over the control limit due to a possible contamination. The batch was accepted based on another acceptable BS and/or MS and MSD that meet the BS criteria.
BS-02The recovery of this analyte in the BS/LCS was outside the control limits due to cross contamination from highly contaminated samples during preparation.
BS-03The recovery of this analyte in the BS/LCS was outside the control limits. The sample result was accepted based on another acceptable BS/LCS and/or MS and MSD that meet BS criteria.
BS-04The recovery of this analyte in LCS or LCSD was outside control limit. Sample was accepted based on the remaining LCS, LCSD or LCS-LL.
BS-HThe recovery of this analyte in the BS/LCS was over the control limit. Sample result is suspect.
BS-LThe recovery of this analyte in the BS/LCS was below the control limit. Sample result is suspect.
C-3620The "Florisil Cleanup" was performed to the sample.
C-3640The "GPC Cleanup" was performed to the sample.
C-3665The "Sulfuric Acid Cleanup" was performed to the sample.
CHMT-01The sample was analyzed directly with acid dilution.
CN-1See case narrative for an explanation of results.
DI_WETOn Deionized Water W.E.T extract (STLC).
DryW_ClntThe dry weight result was given by client.
EThe concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the instrument. This value is considered an estimate (CLP E-flag).
E-01The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range.
F-01The sample was received without proper field flocculation. Therefore, flocculation process was performed at the lab as soon as possible.
FILTThe sample was filtered prior to analysis.
FPFormation Potential
HC-02Hydrocarbon pattern present in the requested fuel quantitation range but does not resemble the pattern of the requested fuel.
IInternal Standard outside of acceptance limit due to possible matrix effects
I-03Low internal standard recovery possibly due to matrix interference or leak in system. The result is suspect.
I-05Low internal standard recovery possibly due to matrix interference. The result is suspect.
JEstimated conc. detected MDL.
MSample result is matrix suspect.
M-02Due to the nature of matrix interferences, sample was diluted prior to preparation. The MDL and MRL were raised due to the dilution.
M-03Due to insufficient sample volume, sample was diluted prior to preparation. The MDL and MRL were raised due to the dilution.
M-04Due to the nature of matrix interferences, sample extract was diluted prior to analysis. The MDL and MRL were raised due to the dilution.
M-05Due to the nature of matrix interferences, sample was diluted prior to analysis. The MDL and MRL were raised due to the dilution.
M-06Due to the high concentration of analyte inherent in the sample, sample was diluted prior to preparation and/or analysis. The MDL and MRL were raised due to this dilution.
M-08Incomplete sample loading during extraction due to sample matrix
MIManual Integration was performed
MI-01Manual intergration is necessary due to irregular baseline.
MI-02Manual intergration is necessary due to low signal to noise ratio.
MIC-2Result is suspect due to QC failure.
MS-01The spike recovery for this QC sample is outside of established control limits possibly due to sample matrix interference.
MS-02The RPD and/or percent recovery for this QC spike sample cannot be accurately calculated due to the high concentration of analyte inherent in the sample.
MS-03Multiple analyses indicate the percent recovery is out of acceptance limits due to a possible matrix effect.
MS-04Visual evaluation of the sample indicates the RPD or QC spike is above the control limit due to a non-homogeneous sample matrix.
MS-05The spike recovery and/or RPD were outside acceptance limits for the MS and/or MSD due to possible matrix interference. The LCS and/or LCSD were within acceptance limits showing that the laboratory is in control and the data is acceptable.
MS-06Due to noted non-homogeneity of the QC sample matrix, the MS/MSD did not provide reliable results for accuracy and precision. Sample results for the QC batch were accepted based on LCS/LCSD percent recoveries and RPD values.
MS-07The spike recovery was outside acceptance limits for the MS and/or MSD. The batch was accepted based on acceptable LCS recovery.
MS-08Due to the nature of matrix interferences, sample was diluted prior to analysis. The MS/MSD could not be quantitated due to the dilution. The batch was accepted based on acceptable LCS recovery.
MS-09The recoveries of MS/MSD are not valid due to high sample background
MS-10Due to insufficient sample, LCS/LCSD were analyzed in place of MS/MSD.
MS-11The QC limits for MS/MSD are not applicable due to positive sample background.
MS-BGThe spike recovery was outside of QC acceptance limits for the MS and/or MSD due to sample background. The QC batch was accepted based on LCS and/or LCSD recoveries within the acceptance limits.
O-02Sulfides present in the sample. Therefore, 24 hours holding time for the analysis already expired.
O-04This analysis was performed outside the EPA recommended holding time.
O-05The extraction for this analyte was performed outside of the EPA recommended holding time.
O-07Sample date and/or time not provided by client. Therefore, default date and/or time has been entered. The analysis may be outside of recommended holding time.
O-08The original extraction and/or analysis of this sample yielded QC recoveries outside acceptance criteria. It was re-extracted/re-analyzed after the recommended maximum hold time.
O-09This sample was received with the EPA recommended holding time expired.
O-10The original analysis of this sample yielded QC recoveries outside acceptance criteria. It was re-analyzed after the recommended maximum hold time.
O-11The sample was originally analyzed within holding time. However, it required a dilution and the re-analysis was performed after the recommended holding time had expired.
O-12The sample was originally analyzed within holding time. However, it was reanalyzed without dilution that exceeded the recommended holding time.
O-13The sample was originally analyzed within hold time. However, the re-analysis was performed due to possible carry over and/or cross contamination after the recommended holding time had expired.
O-14This analysis was requested by the client after the holding time was exceeded.
O-15The sample was received with the recommended holding time nearly expired. It was analyzed as soon as possible but the maximum holding time was slightly exceeded.
O-20As per vial label, this sample was received with HCl preservation, however sample pH was found to be >2 after VOC analysis possibly due to matrix effect or loss of acid during sampling.
O-21This sample was analyzed 1 hour past the EPA recommended holding time.
O-22This sample was analyzed 2 hours past the EPA recommended holding time.
O-25This sample was received unpreserved and with the recommended holding time for preservation of 48 hours expired.
O-26This sample was received unpreserved and with the recommended holding time for filtration of 24 hours expired.
O-27The sample was received in the improper sampling container.
P-01Low recovery due to preservative. Sample data accepted based on passing LCS result.
P-2Sample received without proper preservation and was preserved at the lab upon receiving.
P-3The sample was preserved with ascorbic acid, but the pH was >2 possibly due to no, or insufficient preservation with HCl. The sample was not analyzed within 24 hours, as required by method for sample with pH>2.
P-6The sample was filtered and preserved prior to analysis.
P-7The sample was preserved within 14 days.
QOne or more quality control criteria failed.
Q-01The recovery of this analyte in QC sample was outside control limits. Sample was justified as ND based on the low level standard at or below the reporting limit.
Q-02Low recovery of this analyte in the QC sample. The analysis of the low level standard produced acceptable recovery indicating that the sample result might be accurately reported as Not Detected.
Q-08High bias in the QC sample does not affect sample result since analyte was not detected or below the reporting limit.
Q-09This analyte bias high in QC sample. A fresh spiking solution is going to be prepared.
Q-10This analyte is high bias in QC samples, sample result is suspect.
Q-11This analyte is low bias in QC samples, sample result is suspect.
Q-12The RPD result exceeded the QC control limits; however, both percent recoveries were acceptable. Sample results for the QC batch were accepted based on the percent recoveries and/or other acceptable QC data.
QC-2This QC sample was reanalyzed to complement samples that require re-analysis on different date. See analysis date.
Q-H-1High bias, data was accepted since sample was not detected.
Q-L-03This analyte is low in QC sample. Sample data is accepted based on acceptable CCVs.
Q-MEAcceptable QC with marginal exceedance
Q-R-01Analyses are not controlled on RPD values from sample concentrations less than the reporting limit. QC batch accepted based on LCS and/or LCSD QC results.
QR-03The RPD value for the sample duplicate or MS/MSD was outside of QC acceptance limits due to matrix interference. QC batch accepted based on LCS and/or LCSD recovery and/or RPD values.
QR-04The RPD value for the MS/MSD was outside of QC acceptance limits however both recoveries were acceptable. The QC batch was accepted based on acceptable results for the recoveries and RPD for the LCS and LCSD.
QR-BSThe RPD value for the BS/BSD (LCS/LCSD) was outside of QC acceptance limits however both recoveries were acceptable. The QC batch was accepted based on acceptable results for the recoveries of the BS (LCS) and BSD (LCSD).
Q-SQC samples were not performed due to insufficient sample received.
R-01The MDL and/or MRL for this analyte has been raised to account for matrix interference.
R-02The RPD was outside of QC acceptance limits due to possible matrix interference.
R-03The RPD is not applicable for result below the reporting limit (either ND or J value).
R-04Due to foaming, the sample was diluted prior to analysis. The reporting limits were raised due to the dilution.
R-07Incomplete sample loading during extraction due to sample matrix. The MDL and MRL were adjusted accordingly.
RDData was recalled. See revised report for corrected results.
RE1_P% Residual error at lowest calibration point fails over 50% allawable limit. This only affects sample concentration at or near this point. However, it will not have a significant affect beyond this point.
R-MSResults reported using MS/MS as the primary detector.
S-01The surrogate recovery could not be calculated due to sample dilution required from high analyte concentration and/or matrix interferences.
S-02The surrogate recovery for this sample cannot be accurately quantified due to interference from coeluting organic compounds present in the sample extract.
S-03High surrogate recovery for this sample is possibly due to a sample matrix effect. The data was accepted since all target analytes were not detected.
S-04The surrogate recovery for this sample is outside of established control limits due to possible sample matrix effect.
S-05Surrogate recovery was below acceptance limit possibly due to matrix effect. Sample data was justified as acceptable since all target analytes were still not-detected or below the reporting limits when adjusted accordingly to surrogate recovery.
S-06The recovery of this surrogate is outside control limits due to sample dilution required from high analyte concentration and/or matrix interference's.
S-07Surrogate recovery out of acceptance limits for this sample is possibly due to sample matrix effect, confirmed by re-extracting and/or re-analyzing the sample.
S-08No surrogate recovery, possibly surrogate spiking was missed.
S-09Wrong amount spiked, quantification is not accurate
S-10Surrogate recovery outside method QC limits due to extraction related problems
S-11Surrogate recovery outside of control limits. The data was accepted based on valid recovery of the remaining surrogate.
S-ACAcid surrogate recovery outside of control limits due to a possible matrix effect. The data was accepted based on valid recovery of remaining two acid surrogates.
S-BLKSurrogate recovery outside of control limits for Method Blank. The data was accepted since all target analytes were not detected
S-BNBase/Neutral surrogate recovery outside of control limits due to a possible matrix effect. The data was accepted based on valid recovery of remaining two base/neutral surrogates.
S-BSSurrogate recovery outside of control limits for LCS. The data was accepted based on valid recovery of the target analytes.
S-GCSurrogate recovery outside of control limits due to a possible matrix effect. The data was accepted based on valid recovery of the remaining surrogate.
S-HIHigh surrogate recovery was confirmed as a matrix effect by a second analysis.
S-LOWLow surrogate recovery confirmed as a matrix effect by a second analysis.
S-MSSurrogate recovery outside of control limits for MS/MSD. The data was accepted based on valid recovery of the target analytes.
S-MS1Surrogate recovery outside of acceptance window confirmed as matrix effect by analysis of MS/MSD on this sample.
SuppThis result has been revised from the original report.
T-AgBaHThe sample was treated with Silver, Barium and H+ cartridges to minimize chloride and sulfates interferences prior to analysis.
TOX-01Due to sample matrix interferences, second column measurement exceeding 10% of the two-column total.
T-RPThe sample was treated with Organics cartridges to minimize organic interferences prior to analysis.
U-01The sample was received without the proper preservation.
U-02The sample was received at the lab without proper preservation. However, the sample was then preserved at the lab.
U-03Due to limited sample volume provided, the method criteria cannot be achieved.
VTR-01The sample was filtered with 1.5 micron filter at lab.
WC1COC was not provided upon receipt
WC2COC was not properly completed
WC3COC and sample labels do not match
WP2pH out of acceptable range
WP2ApH Lot, pH Value
WP2BAcid Lot, Acid Amount (pH Adjustment)
WP3Free Chlorine >= 0.1
WP3ACl Lot
WP4pH out of acceptable range for Cyanide
WS1Sample(s) were not received on ice as required
WS2Sample(s) were not intact
WS3Sample(s) were not using their proper container
WS4Sample(s) does not have sufficient sample volume
WS4VHeadspace was present for VOC zero headspace methods
WS5Sample(s) were not received within hold time
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