We offer personalized service through our highly experienced environmental professionals who can assist clients in the analytical aspects of regulatory issues, permitting requirements and waste streams treating and disposal, saving time and costs associated with unnecessary laboratory work.
Drinking Water
- Volatile Organics
- Semi-Volatiles - SOCs
- Pesticides/Herbicides
- Glyphosate
- Carbamates
- Endothall
- Diquat /Paraquat
- Fumigants
- Disinfection By-Products
- Haloacetic Acids
- Trihalomethanes
- Trace level anions
- Primary and Secondary Drinking Water Parameters
- Microbiological testing
- NDMA and other nitrosamines
- 1,4-Dioxane
- Hexavalent chromium
- Perchlorate IC LC/MS/MS
- 1,2,3-Trichloropropane
- UCMR 5
- Trace Metals
- Aldehydes
- TOC/ DOC / UV254 / SUVA
- Radiochemistry
- Total and Fecal Coliform by MPN method (enumeration)
- Total Coliform and E. Coli by Quantitray (enumeration)
- Total Coliform and E. Coli in potable water (presence/absence)
- Heterotrophic Plate Count
- Enterococcus
- Fecal Streptococcus
- Salmonella
- Eschericia Coli 0157:H7
- Yeast & Molds
- Coliform group speciation
Field Services
- Wastewater sampling, grab and 24-hour composite
- Soil sampling
- Drinking water sampling
- 40 hour HAZWOPER trained personnel
- Field analyses
- Courier services throughout Southern California
Wastewater / Soil / Waste
- Fuel Hydrocarbons
- BTEX/Oxygenates
- 5035 purge & trap
- Metals
- Anions
- Volatile Organics
- Semi-Volatile Organics
- OC Pesticides and PCB's
- Herbicides
- OP Pesticides
- Carbamate Pesticides
- Aldehydes
- Explosives
- Microbiological
- Inorganics
- Complete Wet Chemistry Capabilities
- Pharmaceuticals
- Endocrine Disruptors
- Chemicals of Emerging Concern
Hazardous Waste
- Hazardous Waste Characterization
- Leaching Tests (TCLP, STLC, SPLP)
- Ignitability
- Corrosivity
- Reactivity
- Toxicity