Wastewater Analyses

Acidity EPA 305.1
Alkalinity SM2320B
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) SM5210B
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD5) Carbonaceous SM5210B
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) EPA 410.4
Chlorophyll SM 10200H
Cyanate SM4500-CN L
Cyanide, Amenable to Chlorination ASTM D7511
Cyanide, Total ASTM D7511
Cyanide, Weak Acid Dissociable SM4500-CN I
Dissolved Oxygen SM4500 O-G
Hexavalent chromium (Cr6)  SM3500CrD / EPA 7196
Mercury by Amalgamation EPA 1631
Mercury by Atomic fluorescence EPA 245.7
Mercury by Cold Vapor AA EPA 245.1 / 7470 / 7471
Metals by ICP or ICP/MS EPA 200.7 / 200.8 / 6010 / 6020
Nitrogen, Ammonia SM4500-NH3 C/D
Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl (TKN) EPA 351.2
Oil and Grease, Gravimetric EPA 1664
Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) ASTM D1498-76
Phenolics (colorimetric) EPA 420.1 / 9065
Phosphorus by ICP or ICP/MS  remove slash EPA 6010 / 6020
Phosphorus, Total EPA 365.3
Phosphorus, Total Acid Hydrolyzable EPA 365.3
Salinity SM2520B
Solids, Settleable (SS) EPA 160.5
Solids, Total (TS) EPA 160.3
Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) EPA 160.1
Solids, Total Suspended (TSS) EPA 160.2
Solids, Total Volatile (TVS) EPA 160.4
Sulfide, Soluble (S=) SM4500-S2-D
Sulfite (SO3=) SM4500SO3 B
Surfactants, Anionic, Methylene Blue Active Substances (MBAS) SM5540C
Surfactants, Non-Ionic, Cobalt Thiocaynate Active Substances (CTAS) SM5540D
Thiosulfate LACSD 253B
Volatile acids EPA 8015M
e.Coli by MUG method determination SM9223
Heterotrophic Plate Count SM9215B
Total & Fecal Coliform (MTF)  SM9221B
Total Enterococci (Quantitray) Enterolert
Organics (GC, GCMS, HPLC, LCMS)
Chlorinated Herbicides EPA 8151
Diuron EPA 632
Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs EPA 608
Pharmaceutical Industry VOCs (PMI) EPA 1666A
Pharmaceuticals/Personal Care Products (PPCPs) by LCMSMS EPA 1694M
Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PNAs or PAHs) low level EPA 625SIM
Semivolatile Organics EPA 625
Volatile (Aromatics & Halogentated) Organics EPA 624
Gross alpha EPA 900.0
Gross beta EPA 900.0
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